Business Guides

5 Businesses You Can Start With $1,000 or Less

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are faced with the issue of not having much money to invest. But what if we tell you that you only need $1000 or less to start a business? Fascinating, right? It’s all true; anybody can do it if they are motivated enough and have a decent skillset. But you must put your brains in and go with a proper plan, and the outcome will be worth every penny.

Here are the 5 businesses you can start with minimal investment and make millions if you are up to the task.

E-Commerce Store

E-Commerce Store

E-commerce is a thriving industry and has made an undeniable impact on people’s traditional purchasing psychology. It is now an essential part of global retail, and in 2025, retail e-commerce sales are estimated to exceed $5.7 trillion worldwide.

Being one of the most booming industries, you can still make big profits in e-commerce with minimal investment. The key is finding a niche and showcasing unique or hard-to-find products that will capture consumer interest. Some examples include handmade crafts, vintage clothing, personalized jewelry, hobby equipment, and specialty foods.

Your main costs will be web hosting fees ($10-50 per month), payment processing fees (3-5% of sales), and product inventory. Start small by only buying a handful of items to sell before reinvesting your profits into more inventory. 

Effective digital marketing through social media, SEO, and targeted ads will be crucial for bringing in traffic and sales for your online store. Within several months of consistent effort, you can realistically earn thousands in monthly income from an e-commerce business that requires an initial investment of $500-$1000.



Freelancing is often considered the easiest business to start if you are a creative or technical expert with a well-developed skill. You can easily start off with your laptop and go global, providing your expertise to clients worldwide.

For example, if you have a keen eye for visuals and can create branded content that brings a company’s vision to life through images, videos, or graphic design, freelancing is perfect for you. There is huge demand on platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer for talented creatives who can produce logos, animations, product photos, social media posts, and more.

To get started, you will need a laptop or PC to do the actual work. Expect costs of $300-800 for a decent machine capable of running the necessary software. You’ll also need to sign up for accounts on freelance platforms, which typically cost $10-20 per month for basic packages. Some additional startup expenses will include your portfolio website, business cards, and any subscriptions for design tools like Adobe Creative Cloud. But with some slick marketing and demonstrations of your skills, you can land gigs that earn $500, $1000, or more.

Content Creation

Content Creation

In the digital age, content is king. If you have exceptional writing, graphic design, video production, or other creative skills, you can monetize them by offering content creation services to clients.

Some examples of in-demand services include:

  • Copywriting: Sales pages, website content, blog posts
  • Video production: Promotional videos, explainer animations, commercials
  • Graphic design: Logos, infographics, social media posts, ads
  • Podcast editing: Audio editing, show notes, publishing
  • Photography: Product photos, real estate, events

With a laptop, creativity, and some affordable software, you can get started creating different types of content for clients. Your initial costs might include a Canva Pro account ($6.49/month), Adobe Creative Cloud ($60/month), video/audio editing software, website hosting, and marketing fees.

Most of the tools you need are very affordable or even free. As your portfolio and client base grow, this can become a full-time business with massive earning potential. Rates for quality content creation services can easily exceed $100/hour.

Online Coaching & Consulting

For those who have extensive knowledge in any industry or subject matter, sharing your expertise through online coaching and consulting could be a winning business model. You can work with clients all over the world without needing much startup capital.

Some examples of in-demand coaching/consulting niches include health and fitness, marketing, business strategy, financial advice, and career development. To begin, you’ll need a website, scheduling and video software, and marketing materials. Website hosting could cost $10-50 per month. Scheduling software like Calendly starts around $15 per month. Video platforms like Zoom range from free up to $20 per month. Allow around $100-500 for initial marketing efforts like content creation, ads, and search optimization.

If you position yourself as a leading expert in your field and offer high-value training programs or consulting packages, you can charge premium rates of $100-500+ per hour. With consistency and great client results, your income from online coaching can reach $10,000+ per month within a year or two.

Home-based Service Business

Offering services like house cleaning, pet sitting, lawn care, personal training, or tutoring from home is a great low-cost business to launch. You can get started with just flyers, business cards, a website, and word-of-mouth marketing.

Some expenses to factor in:

  • Promotional materials: $50-$300 for basic flyers, cards, ads
  • Optional website: $10-$50 per month for hosting
  • Supplies/equipment for your services: variable costs depending on your specific service

For example, a personal trainer would need fitness equipment, a lawn care provider would need a lawn mower and tools, and a house cleaner would need cleaning supplies. But costs can be minimized by starting small.

This type of business has low overhead and flexible hours and can quickly scale into a larger operation once you establish a solid client base. Even with part-time hours, you can earn a healthy income as your roster of satisfied customers grows through referrals. Low startup costs and the ability to operate from home make this a great entry point for aspiring business owners.

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips for starting a successful business on a shoestring budget:

  • Leverage your existing skills and experience.
  • Start slowly while keeping your current job, then transition once your business takes off.
  • Minimize expenses by using free or low-cost tools and services.
  • Focus on building your reputation and marketing through referrals, word-of-mouth, and social media.
  • Provide exceptional service and overdeliver value to stand out from competitors.
  • Reinvest early profits to fuel faster business growth.

Ending Note

With perseverance and savvy planning, you can absolutely start a thriving business with $1000 or less. The opportunities today are endless if you have the drive and hustle to seize them. We wish you the best of luck in your entrepreneurial journey!

Sarah Patel

Sarah Patel is a seasoned business journalist with a keen eye for the latest trends and developments in diverse industries. With a background in finance and economics, she provides in-depth analysis and commentary on the ever-changing business landscape.

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