Sarah Patel

Sarah Patel is a seasoned business journalist with a keen eye for the latest trends and developments in diverse industries. With a background in finance and economics, she provides in-depth analysis and commentary on the ever-changing business landscape.
  • Business Guides

    How to Open a Business Bank Account in the US? A Complete Guide

    Built a successful business and looking to make a solid financial foundation? A dedicated business bank account is a must and will separate your finances. It is more than just a place to park your funds because it offers a multitude of advantages. A business bank account streamlines financial management, enhances security, and provides services specifically designed to empower your…

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  • Business GuidesFunding That Can Grow Your Business

    5 Key Areas Funding That Can Grow Your Business

    Imagine this: you’ve got this amazing idea, a product or service that’s gonna revolutionize the world (or at least your corner of it). You’re fired up, ready to take on the big guys. But then reality hits. Building a business takes more than just a killer concept – it needs fuel. That fuel is strategic funding. Sustainable growth, the kind…

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  • Business Guides

    5 Business Startup Costs Business Owners Need to Know

    Starting your own business is super exciting but also wildly challenging. Being your own boss and making your big ideas happen sounds awesome. That’s why you have to get real about what it takes, or you’ll be in big trouble. In this guide, we will walk you through the high costs step-by-step and share some helpful tips we found worth…

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  • Business GuidesSolo Business Owner

    Effective Strategies to Thrive as a Solo Business Owner

    Being the solo owner of a business (solopreneur) comes with greater benefits as well as risks. That’s why you should be very careful at every step. Remember that many solo business owners quit when they are faced with challenges. There’s no arguing the fact the loss will be unbearable as there are no partners in this journey. However, you can…

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  • Business GuidesCommon business mistakes to avoid

    Common Business Mistakes to Avoid

    Aspiring entrepreneurs are full of energy and ready to take risks. But there are a few common business mistakes to avoid as an entrepreneur for better execution. By carefully avoiding these mistakes, you will save yourself from major losses that you might face if you were to ignore them. A study shows that about 50% of startups decide to quit…

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  • Business GuidesBusiness Growth

    10 Important Key Factor to Business Growth in 2024

    Forget the dusty boardrooms and stale mission statements. The business world of 2024 is a high-octane adventure, and your company is the rocket ship blasting off for uncharted territory. Buckle up, because the old rules no longer apply. Here’s your mission log, packed with 10 essential tools to navigate the turbulence and fuel your ascent to growth. Digital Transformation Going…

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  • StartupsSTARTUPS Waste Money

    5 Reasons Why Startups Waste Money

    The number of startups each year is simply never-ending, with thousands launching every year and billions of dollars worth of investments. However, not all startups manage to stay in the market for long and give up. Startup Success and Failure Rates: 20% of new businesses fail within the first two years. 45% of startups don’t survive the fifth year. 65%…

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  • 5 Business Ideas to Follow in 2024

    Business Continuity Plan (BCI) often misunderstood as Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) is a strategic plan to safeguard and recover a business from potential threats. While DRP has the same purpose, keeping business still up and running, the BCI focuses on the entirety of the business from infrastructure to operations. From cyber attacks to catastrophic disasters, this plan keeps your business…

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  • Business GuidesProven strategies for fast business growth

    Top 8 Business Strategies for Fast Growth

    Fast growth is every business dream but this path requires much effort and investment. Got both? Well, there are still a few things to be taken care of to pave the road ahead. For starters, you will need a complete roadmap, including what to do and when to do it if you want rapid success for your business. However, the…

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  • Business GuidesBusinesses under $1000

    5 Businesses You Can Start With $1,000 or Less

    Many aspiring entrepreneurs are faced with the issue of not having much money to invest. But what if we tell you that you only need $1000 or less to start a business? Fascinating, right? It’s all true; anybody can do it if they are motivated enough and have a decent skillset. But you must put your brains in and go…

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